Yesterday, I emailed several of you the following:
Just Googled "how food affects mood", learned a LOT about it, and came up with the following diet for myself. *This is not medical advice, so go see your Dr. and R.D. (Registered Dietition) and get their concent first before trying it, blah blah ;) Ok, so I've covered my legal butt :p Anyhow, here's the latest (milk free, high protein) diet I'm trying. I'll let you know if it did anything for me ;)
Fried Vegemeat
1 egg
Orange Juice & Tofu smoothie
*orange juice
1 Serving canned Spinich
or spinich leaf salad with red bell peppers and broccoli
Whole grain pasta w/tofu sauce
1 garlic pill
1/3 Caffein tablet
High in soy protein brownie with 1 brazil nut and 5 almonds
Celery sticks
Mixed Vegetables
Cocoa Tofu & soy milk smoothie
Egg whites
I haven't quite incorporated the whole thing into my diet yet, but I've had 2 Cocoa Tofu & soy milk smoothies (one yesterday, one today), 1 Orange Juice and Tofu smoothie, 1 brownie, a number of vegetables on pizza, several egg whites and 1 yolk, and some vege-burger (low fat) in the pizza sauce.
Of all of these, the smoothies seem to have the most immediate and long lasting effect on my mood, and I really do feel good. Mostly, I can blame all that cocoa and the orange juice in particular, but the soy helps too, because it's almost pure protein, which has the opposite affect on a person as most carbs do (regarding mood). Complex carbs (all forms of flour) make you feel sluggish - protein gives you energy (which lasts longer). Of course, simple carbs (sugar, regardless of it's color or how it was milled, or honey/molasis/etc.) give you an immediate "sugar high" with a "carb crash" later on. Protein doesn't make anyone crash like that, that I know of.
In fact, I've not been depressed at all since I started this (which is unusual for me -- I've struggled with depression multiple times daily for ages). I'm not in some overly positive mood either, but I do feel very "alive" and a lot more content to be myself and enjoy whatever I want to in life. I just am not plagued by the overwhelming feeling that something is wrong with me, wrong with my life, wrong with everyone else, that my feelings are subject to everyone else... I'm content in my own little (internal) bubble over here, for once, and I have no desire to leave it.
I should also add that I've exercised a few minutes a day off and on for the last week, and that in the last 3 days, I've taken the time I needed to sleep during any part of the day/night that I needed to. I've had to, because I was up all night last Saturday night and part of Sunday morning after being awake for most of the day on Sabbath. So, I'm playing catch up.
On top of that, I've deliberately stayed offline for the last I don't know how many days, because I've needed to, in general, be away from people. I've limited my contact with people to specific emails that were high in priority -- all other contact has been "off limits" to me during that time. I'm now back on my IMer, but I'm marked as "Busy" to let people know to limit their communication with me to only high priority stuff. This is simply a method of destressing myself, because even positive contact that's more "usual" and not "high priority" is a source of stress (kind of like how some women can be under more stress when they get engaged, even though they are happy, than when they are getting fired from a job they wanted to have).
I've also rediscovered my love for RealOne Archade ;) That's just plain fun, puts me in control, and gives my brain a chance to get some exercise, heh!
I've been in contact with some people in Tri-Cities who I think may be my key to finding work out there. My goal is to move out there by the end of the summer, unless I happen to find work locally first.
What does God have to do with this? For one, He MADE everything I've been eating (without Him, nothing was made). For another, He stuck the idea in my head to Google this topic in the first place. Finally, He's been hugging me periodically, just to let me know that He's here for and with me. He's been letting me know that only He can really help me, but that the foods He made for me to eat and has Lovingly provided for me, are there just for me, the same way that Tylenol is there for me when I have a headache, toothpaste is there for me when I need clean teeth, and tissues are there for me when I do cry, just like He has been all along.